Advertising Fans

  1. SOHS #4181.6This ovoid paper fan is stapled on wooden stick. The design is polychrome lithograph on a white background of two children feeding a lamb with a floral border. Printed in black ink "Compliments of the/ Medford Drug Co./ Medford, Oregon “Everything Pertaining to a First-Class Drug Store”.
  2. SOHS#1985.70.4 Beige Cardboard fan stapled to a wooden stick advertising Brown's Electric Shop, 8th and Bartlett, Medford, OR. "Mrs. Dietrich" is penciled onto the wooden handle, circa 1930-1940.
  3. SOHS# 1986.1.697 This gray silk fan is attached to a black lacquered handle. A tinted photograph depicts a Japanese woman dressed in traditional clothing with "Compliments of R. H. O'Neill The Housefurnisher”, Grants Pass, Oregon" printed on the front.
Advertising Fans A.# 4181.6 B.#1985.70.4 C.#1986.1.697