Southern Oregon Historical Society's "Stay at Home" Edition
During this challenging time, we are pleased to highlight our online content. We hope you will enjoy this opportunity to learn more about Southern Oregon history!
Southern Oregon Historical Society Magazines. SOHS Library volunteers scanned all of the magazines produced by SOHS from 1981 through 2009. They are searchable by keyword to some extent, or you may just browse the magazines.
Southern Oregon History, Revised. This website, conceived, created, and managed by Ben Truwe, provides text of thousands of newspaper articles and documents that convey the history of southern Oregon.
YouTube Videos. Thanks to Ben Truwe and Kyle Stockton, 55 newsclips that capture life in southern Oregon in the 1960s are online. This page provides links to the videos.
Our Virtual Museum. With this link, you may view random images in our SOHS Online Catalog. By clicking on an image, you may read more about the item. Of course you may also create your own search and view images that match your interests. Our catalog includes many of SOHS's photos.
Collections Exhibits. SOHS's Curator, Stephanie Butler, is creating online exhibits with professional photos that feature selected SOHS artifacts.
Southern Oregon Digital Archives. This SOU website includes Peter Britt photos and about 1000 SOHS photos. If you are looking for photos on a specific topic, please use our SOHS Photo Index. If a photo is not available online, you may still obtain it - please contact the SOHS Library for assistance.
As It Was Stories. If you're a fan of the SOHS/JPR series As It Was, you may enjoy reading and/or hearing them again! Use the main link for newer stories, and this link for the archives.
Explore Southern Oregon. Although we are all staying at home or going for local walks, perhaps this is a good time to plan excursions. SOHS's maps of local markers, created by Linda and Peter Kreisman, provide detailed directions to the sites of the markers, and information about them. It's a great way to plan a family outing!
Southern Oregon Timeline. Click on the link, select full screen, use your right arrow key to "browse the timeline", zoom in or out. We hope you enjoy this very brief overview of Southern Oregon history!
Biographies of Southern Oregon people. These essays cover some of the famous, infamous, and unknown people who are part of Southern Oregon's history.